


7 / 103 Holes


1 / 55 Langs


5 / 67 Cheevos



DoogeJ earned 🍷 Aged like Fine Wine
AdrienHache solved N Queens in Assembly
wiz0u solved N Queens in C#
AdrienHache solved N Queens in C#
AdrienHache solved Factorial Factorisation in C#
AdrienHache earned 🌌 May the 4α΅—Κ° Be with You
AdrienHache earned 2 achievements: 🧢 πŸ₯‘
AdrienHache earned 🧢 tl;dr
AdrienHache earned πŸ₯‘ Takeout
AdrienHache solved Star Wars Opening Crawl in C#
AdrienHache solved Christmas Trees in C#
AdrienHache solved brainfuck in C#
AdrienHache solved Ο† in C#
AdrienHache solved Ο„ in C#
AdrienHache solved Ο€ in C#
AdrienHache solved ISBN in Zig
AdrienHache solved Pangram Grep in Zig
AdrienHache solved Factorial Factorisation in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Ordinal Numbers in Assembly
AdrienHache solved 24 Game in C#
AdrienHache earned πŸͺ¦ 0xDEAD
AdrienHache solved Collatz in Assembly
AdrienHache solved RecamΓ‘n in C#
AdrienHache solved Emojify in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Morse Encoder in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Roman to Arabic in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Ascending Primes in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Pernicious Numbers (Long) in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Evil Numbers in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Arrows in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Odious Numbers in Assembly
AdrienHache solved RecamΓ‘n in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Leap Years in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Evil Numbers (Long) in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Vampire Numbers in C#
AdrienHache solved Rijndael S-box in Rust
AdrienHache solved ISBN in BASIC
AdrienHache solved ISBN in D
AdrienHache solved ISBN in C++
AdrienHache solved ISBN in Pascal
AdrienHache solved ISBN in C
AdrienHache solved Pangram Grep in BASIC
AdrienHache solved Pangram Grep in C++
AdrienHache solved Pangram Grep in C
AdrienHache solved Rijndael S-box in Pascal
AdrienHache solved Rijndael S-box in Zig
AdrienHache solved Pangram Grep in D
AdrienHache solved Pangram Grep in Pascal
AdrienHache solved Rijndael S-box in D
AdrienHache solved Rijndael S-box in BASIC
AdrienHache solved Rijndael S-box in C
AdrienHache solved Rijndael S-box in C++
AdrienHache earned πŸ₯§ Pi Day
AdrienHache solved Rijndael S-box in Crystal
AdrienHache earned πŸ”£ Polyglot
AdrienHache solved Rijndael S-box in Elixir
AdrienHache solved Emirp Numbers in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Emirp Numbers (Long) in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Arithmetic Numbers in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Prime Numbers (Long) in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Abundant Numbers (Long) in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Happy Numbers (Long) in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Odious Numbers (Long) in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Van Eck Sequence in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Pangram Grep in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Morse Encoder in C#
AdrienHache solved Rule 110 in C#
AdrienHache solved Happy Numbers in C++
AdrienHache solved Happy Numbers in C
AdrienHache solved Lucky Numbers in C#
AdrienHache solved Farey Sequence in C++
AdrienHache solved Farey Sequence in C
AdrienHache solved Prime Numbers in C
AdrienHache solved Prime Numbers in C++
AdrienHache solved Prime Numbers (Long) in C++
AdrienHache solved Prime Numbers (Long) in C
AdrienHache solved Divisors in C#
AdrienHache solved Ordinal Numbers in C#
AdrienHache solved Divisors in PowerShell
AdrienHache solved CSS Colors in PowerShell
AdrienHache solved Leyland Numbers in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Ascending Primes in C
AdrienHache solved Ascending Primes in C++
AdrienHache solved Ascending Primes in C#
AdrienHache solved Rijndael S-box in PowerShell
AdrienHache solved Day of Week in PowerShell
AdrienHache earned πŸ‘… Cunning Linguist
AdrienHache solved Reverse Polish Notation in C#
AdrienHache solved Leyland Numbers in C#
AdrienHache solved Rijndael S-box in C#
AdrienHache solved Rijndael S-box in F#
AdrienHache solved Pangram Grep in C#
AdrienHache solved Kolakoski Sequence in C#
AdrienHache solved Diamonds in C#
AdrienHache solved Niven Numbers in C
AdrienHache solved Fibonacci in C++
AdrienHache earned πŸŽ… Twelvetide
AdrienHache solved Arabic to Roman in C#
AdrienHache solved Repeating Decimals in C#
AdrienHache solved United States in C#
AdrienHache solved Fibonacci in Assembly